• Posted Nov. 15, 2012, 9:40 a.m. - 12 years, 3 months ago

What is ISO 32000-1?

On July 2, 2008, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) released the ISO International Standard – ISO 32000-1.  Adobe Systems Incorporated turned over the control of the PDF (Portable Document Format) specification to ISO.


Maintenance of the PDF specification has continued to be the responsibility of ISO ever since.  This has brought the PDF format (which was developed and improved by Adobe for over 15 years by 2008) to a true international standard.  Kevin Lynch, the CTO (Chief Technology Officer of Adobe in 2008, said “By releasing the full PDF specification for ISO standardization, we are reinforcing our commitment to openness.”

Alan Bryden, the Secretary-General of ISO at the time announced “As an ISO standard, we can ensure that this useful and widely popular format is easily available to all interested stakeholders. The standard will benefit both software developers and users by encouraging the propagation and dissemination of a common technology that cuts across systems and is designed for long term survival.”

Just about every corporation and business throughout the world uses PDF files for information dissemination, archiving and other applications too numerous to list in this article.  Its truly universal acceptance allows information sharing throughout the world.

According to ISO, PDF files allow “preservation of document fidelity independent of device or platform, merging of content from diverse sources, collaborative editing of documents using multiple platforms, digital signatures for authenticity, security and permissions to preserve control over content, accessibility of content to those with disabilities, extraction and reuse of content for use with other file formats, and gathering data and integrating it with business systems using PDF forms.”

Tell us how you use PDF files.