• Posted June 18, 2012, 10:45 a.m. - 12 years, 6 months ago

User Feedback – “don’t waste any time looking elsewhere”

I have looked at many sites on the Internet for a program for our Seniors at Westlake in Jackson NJ.
We at this adult community put out a monthly journal for our seniors and we get proofs from the printer in PDF format. We made copies and proofread them, made corrections and had the copies picked up by the printer and had them make the corrections and sent to press for printing.
Unfortunately the timing was so critical that many times they did not make all the corrections, and this was bad because important material was not corrected. When I discovered Infix, this was heaven-sent because now we make the corrections right on the PDF files, convert them to JPEG within the Infix program and email the corrections to the printer. All they had to do is insert the new pages. No mistakes and no corrections where forgotten by the printer – what we gave him was what he printed.
Infix is such a great program that others can’t compare. For one thing the material on the pages remain intact, never change format as with other programs I tried, which was very annoying and spent much time in trying to work with them.
When I downloaded Infix I just starting working with it and did not even have to read any instruction, great program.
If you work with PDF files this the program for you, trust me, don’t waste any time looking elsewhere.
Thank you Infix for a great product.
– George Mifsud