• Posted Oct. 1, 2015, 9:59 a.m. - 9 years, 4 months ago

Should you have PDF downloadables on your site?

Image of a download button


When you are creating a site, or adding content to your current site, think about the user and the content you are offering. Would it be easier for the user to view if it was in a downloadable PDF format?

Here we look at some examples of why a downloadable PDF would be right to add to your site:

A hotel could have a downloadable PDF brochure that highlights all of the facilities available as well as high-resolution images of the grounds and building and also a separate price list.

People like to check out the restaurant before they head off, so by adding a downloadable pdf menu to the site, the menu can be shared and viewed as it would be in a paper format if they were already at the table.

Cookery Website
If someone has found a recipe, chances are high that they will want to give it a try! With a downloadable PDF recipe card including a shopping list of the items needed, this method will be saving viewers, and potential subscribers some precious time.

Educational Site
A downloadable PDF on an education site will prove to be very popular – it could be used so that users have to download the latest syllabus, lesson plans or even notes from previous lessons.

Downloadable PDF’s are a great way to ensure that your content is secure and that you and your business look as professional as possible.

Why not try Infix for all of your PDF editing needs? Try for free here!
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