• Posted July 27, 2015, 7:39 a.m. - 9 years, 6 months ago

Replacing embedded fonts in PDF

I used Infix PDF editor to fix a problem with font embedding.

The problem was simple – I had a long (250 pages +) ready PDF file compiled of a number of separate shorter PDFs from multiple authors, with multiple fonts used. Part of the fonts were such that I do not have on my computer and such that require a license (non-free fonts). These caused a problem, because I needed all fonts to be embedded in the file, but getting the fonts re-encoded with all fonts embedded was out of the question. At the end of the day I had 6 different fonts to be “taken care of” with hundreds of occurrences all over the long document!

I tried a number of tricks and hacks, but nothing seemed to work, then I found Infix PDF editor that allowed me to _easily_ find and replace the problematic fonts used with non-problematic fonts automatically, with an automated feature of the Infix PDF editor software. After replacement the problematic and unusable file became usable and my problem was resolved very easily.

My situation was in “natural” language in English that is the text was not mathematical characters or the sort – for that circumstance Infix was a perfect tool.

– Mikael Collan