• Posted Jan. 26, 2017, 10:25 a.m. - 8 years, 1 month ago

PDF Days Europe 2017 Dates Announced

PDF Association LogoThe PDF Association have released the dates for their annual PDF Days event, to be held again this year in Berlin, from 15-16 May 2017 at the Hotel Steglitz.

PDF Days covers all of the developments made on the PDF standard over the past year and the core focus this year will be on how PDF technology can help to solve business-related problems, including the new PDF initiative to make the format usable on all sizes and types of device, tapping in on the ever expanding world of EMM .

ISO 32000-2, the latest PDF 2.0 standard, will also be a core feature with how this is to be used to improve the format, and the new features included such as digital signatures and encryption.

The PDF Association have stated all presentations, workshops and user reports will be available in both German and English, with the 17th earmarked as a Workshop day for attendees with specialist events planned from PDF Association members.

Read more from the PDF Association on the event here: https://www.pdfa.org/save-the-date-pdf-days-europe-on-15-16-may-2017/
