• Posted Nov. 21, 2016, 4:14 p.m. - 8 years, 3 months ago

PDF Day Australia

PDF Day AustraliaIt’s not long now until PDF day in Australia – 4 days to be precise as it falls this year on 25th November. Scheduled to be held in Sydney at the Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA) HQ, the day is staged by the PDF Association and designed to assist those to whom PDFs are an integral part of business understand the ISO-standardised technology. This will include CIOs, electronic content policymakers and document management experts.

First in AU
This is the first time a PDF day has been held in Australia as typically the event occurs across the EU and North America at a range of locations. In fact, this is the first PDF technology event to ever be held in the country, and the success of this one will largely be the driving force as to whether the event is repeated annually in the years to come.

The day will be split into 2 “tracks” – The Document of Record and The Accessible Document. Each track comprises of 17 sessions relevant to the topic and scheduled speakers include representatives from Adobe Systems, CiSRA and Foxit.

For anyone who hasn’t already registered, you can sign up online for $50.00 a ticket, or $40.00 if you a member of the PDF Association.

Other PDF Events
Other PDF events scheduled for the months to come:

•    Experience Workshop: Improving long-term digital preservation – Nov 23rd
•    ISO Committees – Nov 28th
•    CSUN Assistive Technology Conference – Mar 1st
