• Posted Dec. 6, 2012, 8:10 a.m. - 12 years, 2 months ago

Musicians Friend to Help Flip Pages of Your PDF

We have written about how musicians are using PDF files on tablets as a replacement for paper sheet music.  Many musicians have done this.  Some musicians have held back from using PDFs due to a common problem.



Most musicians use both of their hands when performing.  Some are able to quickly flip the pages of their PDF files by a fast flick of their finger.  If you have to use a mouse or the buttons on the laptop, it is harder.

Someone has come up with a solution to this problem.  They made a footswitch that allows you to turn the pages of your PDF with ease.  It is also very durable to withstand the constant foot kicks and stomps.

BiLiPro has their Page/Score Turner Foot Pedal.  It has two large rounded switches for positive activation and less false page turns.  The switches are illuminated by LEDs so it is visible in dark environments.

It has a 94-inch USB cable which should be more than ample for most applications.  Rubber pads on the bottom of the footswitch prevent it from scooting away from you at the most inopportune time.

The iPad has no USB port for this footswitch.  However, you can obtain the iPad Camera Kit USB Adapter available on iTunesand other places..

The cost for the Page/Score Turner is $49.95 plus shipping and handling.  The convenience of using this should more than pay for itself.

If you get one of these, let us know how you like it.