• Posted Sept. 28, 2012, 11:06 p.m. - 12 years, 4 months ago

How to Publish an Electronic Book

If you have been wondering how to publish an electronic book of your memoirs or your unique experience as a writer, this is a simple and easy solution for you.  There are several eBook standards.  One is Open eBook.  Another is Epub.

I love Ubiquitous Publishing!

I love Ubiquitous Publishing!

By using Infix, you can transform your PDF publication into an electronic book.  It is a pretty simple process, and before long, you will have either a finished publication in eBook format, Epub format or even both.

Open the PDF file of your publication in Infix.  Go to File | Export and select Pages as.

An Export Pages window will open up.  You can select the pages in the PDF you wish to publish, but you will most likely want to select the All radio button.  Then click on the Format button.

An Export Format window will open up.  There are many options in text, images, backgrounds you can set here, but we will concentrate on the electronic book format.

There are two formats Open eBook and Epub and each of these also has a CSS format.

Choose either Open eBook or Epub format.  Click OK to close the Export Format window.  Now click OK on the Export Pages window.

You will now be asked for a location to store your electronic book.  Select the location or create a new folder.  Name your publication and click Save.

You will now have your publication in the format you selected.  You can now export the PDF in the other electronic book format if desired.  You also have several other export options and can even export your pub in an HTML format for the web.

I love Ubiquitous Publishing! photo via flickr by xdxd_vs_xdxd
