• Posted June 12, 2015, 3:26 p.m. - 9 years, 8 months ago

Globalisation Made Easy (er)

Global Communications

Being part of a global company has its pros and cons – as an employee, the bigger the company, in theory the safer your job is, with more resource and supplies to get things done and more revenue streams to drive bigger growth opportunities around the world! Global companies also have a larger talent pool for recruitment and a broader business base in which to spread potential risks, so market development is easier and successes can be found across different countries, even if other realms are showing slumps and signs of economic downturn.

That all said, there are also pros to working in a global company that perhaps don’t impact much at board level, but for those doing the work, can cause frustration and barriers to managing projects efficiently – aspects such as currency, translation and time zones may seem minor, but when they cause problems or have to be dealt with on a daily basis, it’s no wonder that small frustrations can quickly become big problems! Whilst your head honchos are navigating their way through the legalities and pitfalls that running a global business can throw up, those on the ground are still having to find solutions to issues caused by the global status of the company that are cost and time effective and keep the company running smoothly.

Translating PDF documents

Here at Iceni we don’t have the answers to all of your running problems, but we have made sure we can provide one in the translation department – our PDF editor Infix offers full translation for PDF documents using CAT tools and XML, meaning that any PDF being sent to or sent from a foreign department can be auto-translated easily and with minimal time-spend. Using this feature is simple – simply export the PDF as XML using your preferred CAT tools, import the translated XML back into the PDF and Bob’s your uncle. The text will automatically be placed back to it’s original location on the document, which also cuts down page layout adjustments, and Infix will also make any necessary font substitutions along the way!

Not sure what a CAT tool is? Also known as “Computer Aided Translation”, CAT tools are primarily use by dedicated translation companies and work in conjunction with programs like Infix to provide up-to-date translation services. It’s worth researching the best type of CAT tool for your needs as costs will be dependent on the needs of your business and the frequency at which you need documents translating.

If XML is also a foreign concept (excuse the pun), then read on. AKA Extensible Markup Language (in developer-speak), this defines a set of rules used when encoding documents for both humans and computers to read. Don’t worry though – Infix handles this all behind-the-scenes, so the only thing you need to do on this front is let the program do its work once you know which CAT tools you’re going to use in conjunction.

We’ve had testimonials from a wide range of companies and individuals about how well our translation feature works – you can read a selection of these here – but when it comes to making the translation aspect of working in a global company easier, we know we’ve cracked it! Whether you are a basic PDF user or find yourself struggling to translate documents on a daily basis, Infix can easily do this for you – what are you waiting for?! Read our How-To translation guide online to find out more…