• Posted March 26, 2012, 8:24 a.m. - 12 years, 10 months ago

From A Very Impressed Infix PDF Editor User :)

I am a new user of Infix version 5.13 having just upgraded from version 3.


I contacted Iceni to determine whether this new version contained all the functionality required. They confirmed that it did so I followed Iceni’s advice to the letter and spent the best part of the afternoon ‘trying out’ just about all functions of InFix 5.13.


What did I do… ?  Well, add ‘documents’, delete pages and whole sections as well as paragraphs here and there, then, added other such mish-mash, numbered pages, ‘deleted (same) across pages’, replaced and re-authored covers, added ‘headers’ & ‘footers’, added images, added ‘books’ one after the other up to 5,562 pages long, changed the text colour here and there, deleted and replaced others, etc. etc. etc. all without saving the huge file once nor re-starting Windows, then, ‘Saved’ the file.  Result ?  InFix came through with flying colours. The monstrosity thus created by yours truly was then opened in nothing more sophisticated than the regular PDF reader and everything was the same mess I had made with everything working AAA-1; all links remained ‘live’, pages stayed numbered, colored text was present, and the 5,562 pages were all present and just as I had ‘ordered’ them (read that ‘messed them up’).


A Very Good Program has become an unparallelled, Excellent one.


InFix has many ‘attributes’ other programs do not feature (I should know, because through the years I have used [many] and still do when I’m desperate).


Now, here are some of the things that are either done only by InFix or done with much ado by others – and none do them all in the same program:


Promptly delete whole paragraphs, change colour of text, number pages, delete a ‘box’ of text or an image ‘pronto’ with the object tool arrow (most pdf editors do nothing when you click text with that arrow – too simple – you have to go through a “procedure” grrrr), line spacing, and even a rudimentary (but often all that is needed) ‘drawing’ mini-utility as well as a spell checker, and other little very handy ‘short-cuts’.


Cloning objects across pages with Infix

Cloning objects across pages using Infix


And here is a function that deserves special mention as a frustration reducer and/or as a great time saver. Iceni has incorporated in InFix something they call “Delete-Across-Pages” which is a most amazing ‘plus’. With this function, it is now possible to, say, delete all existing page numbers on a document (which I did – to complete satisfaction).  Assuming page numbers are already ‘printed’ in one particular place (top right-hand corner on the file I used to do this procedure) and it would be preferred to have them appear at the bottom center of the document being worked on. Well, InFix does both functions to perfection; it can delete all former page numbers and insert a new set at the location where it is wanted !  Prior to using InFix, one had but three choices in dealing with a situation of this kind… all three unsatisfactory:


1) Re-number pages at bottom center and keep the ones already located at top right corner. Sounds weird?   It is.

2) After doing procedure 1), one could delete all page numbers – one-by-one – from the top right corner. That may be fine for a 16-page booklet but it is unthinkable and impractical for a 350-page book.

3) Live with the page numbers located on the top right-hand corner and forget re-numbering them at bottom center.  Frustrating.


Now, all users (including my satisfied self) can have their cake and eat it too. :)


Nor is this function limited to ‘page numbers’.  In fact, as is stated in InFix’s well designed, comprehensible 230-page “User’s Manual”: “InFix can automatically delete objects in the same location across a range of pages . . . [like] unwanted logos, headers, footers or other page furniture” (page 105).  This it does and does it well.


Changing page numbers using Infix

Changing page numbers using Infix


I would venture to assert that InFix is the best-by-far and most user-friendly editor for pesky, unyielding PDF nightmarish files – bar none.


Sooo, Iceni, thanks to your attention, to your help beyond-the-call-of-duty, to your most amiable friendliness and to your courtesy, I now own and intend to ‘use-to-the-hilt’ InFix 5 – the World’s Best PDF Editor (don’t know if that’s a compliment but it is meant to be).

(from) Helen Richard – Montreal – QC – Canada.