• Posted Feb. 25, 2013, 10 a.m. - 11 years, 12 months ago

Feedback – Chinese translations using Infix

I am a college student form China. My teacher gave me a task that to translate a professional manual from English to Chinese. The manual file is a PDF file not the doc file I am familiar. So I tried to search for the corresponding editing software to edit the text. Of course I tried the Adobe’s software first, but I find it difficult to change the text in the text box because of the code of each font is different. And I can only remove the original text box and place a new text box on it. But thus I can’t keep the original composition.

And then I tried Infix software, it can satisfy what I want, easy to make several different code of fonts in a same text box. Most important is that the edit procedure is similar to Microsoft Word which is known for almost people. Then, I finished my work easily, and introduce the Infix editor to my teacher and my friend. Now I am working on my task paper using Infix PDF Editor.

Thank you all your crew very much!
Happy Chinese New Year : )

– Jingmiao Zhang