• Posted Nov. 26, 2012, 3:57 p.m. - 12 years, 3 months ago

Enrich Your Blogs with PDFs

If you are a blogger, you may often wish to enhance the content of an article you post.  One way to do this is with detailed high-quality pictures.  Another often overused method is to link to a lot of other excellent blog sites that offer similar information; one or two per post is more than enough.

One method of increasing the value of an article is to include additional information in a document attachment.  PDF documents are universally readable and are a perfect choice for adding to your post.  By attaching a PDF with additional content you also save time by not having to write the additional content and you might even be able to take a relaxing power nap on the couch!



So, we will add a previously produced PDF file into this post.  It is quite simple to do.  We will show you how to accomplish this in WordPress.

While you are in the WordPress editor, create some text that lets people know you are providing additional content in a PDF file.  You can be more creative, but this is an example:

Check out this PDF we generated for additional content: Enrich Your Blogs With PDFs partial pdf.

Here is how we achieved the link to the PDF:

First, we selected where we want the link to the PDF placed, then we clicked on the Add Media icon.




Next, we selected the PDF.




Finally, we insert the PDF link by clicking on the Insert into Post button.



Now you will end up with a link that looks like this:

Check out this PDF we generated for additional content: Enrich Your Blogs With PDFs partial pdf.

See how easy it is?

Photo of Chase Taking a Nap courtesy of Fred Hoot