• Posted Sept. 8, 2014, 7:48 a.m. - 10 years, 5 months ago

Editing PDF Landscape Plans with Infix

Ok, I’m writing this because want the free licence, and I do like the software. I’d not bother otherwise.

Why’s that? Because this is the first pdf editor which I tried that did exactly what I wanted in under 2 minutes, without me having any prior experience with it at all. That was after spending a good few hours looking for and trying various different pdf editors from all over the web. How frustrating!

I must confess there was one other pdf editor that also did what I wanted, but it was all in German so took several minutes of trial and error to figure out, and plastered water marks all over my pdf. The other editors either crashed or were so basic they wouldn’t let me do the one thing I wanted…

My task was really simple. I have this landscaping plan which I now want changed slightly. It is in pdf format, and all I want is to replace “paving as selected” by “permeable paving” in a label pointing to the yard. That’s really simple, you’d think. At least I thought it would be.

While other pdf editors choked on this, the Infix PDF Editor just worked. Great!

– Maciek Blasikiewics