• Posted April 12, 2017, 12:02 p.m. - 7 years, 11 months ago

Converting a 500-page PDF user manual with TransPDF

jealous markupTranslation expert Gábor Ugray has posted a fascinating series of articles on his blog documenting his efforts to translate an apparently simple iOS app.

We particularly like part 4, in which he uses TransPDF to mine information from existing PDFs to improve the translation process – a use for TransPDF we’d not even considered before.

Along the way, he’s very complimentary about TransPDF –

The really cool thing about TransPDF is that it’s able recreate a fully formatted PDF from the translated XLIFF that you upload… And when I say this is a cool thing, I really mean cool, as in way out there, extraterrestrially cool.

Check out his article which includes links to the entire series.