• Posted Aug. 19, 2016, 12:20 p.m. - 8 years, 6 months ago

Confusing Instructions? We Agree!

Confused. A college student is confused by her class notesWe love Infix users who tell us what they think – even if it’s not all roses.

One blogger has gone the extra mile to point out the good, the bad and the ugly in Infix 7. roserodent highlights some glaring omissions from our on-line user manual, particularly when it comes to selecting multiple objects on a page. Oh and a really confusing explanation of how to delete objects across pages – even we found that confusing when we re-read it this morning.

The great thing about the new on-line manual is it’s easy for us to change and all users see the updates straight away. So the confusing text is now gone and we hope the explanation of how to select multiple objects is now clearer.

Roserodent has lots of other suggestions for how we can improve Infix – some of which we plan to include in the next update. Some will take us a bit longer.

Visit roserodent‘s blog now for a really informative report of her experiences with Infix 7.

Confused image courtesy of CollegeDegrees360
