• Posted Feb. 10, 2014, 9:04 a.m. - 11 years ago

Command-line utilities replaced by Infix PDF Editor

At the office I use a legacy system from which I get reports in PDF format. The system is not flexible enough to make changes as needed. Infix has allowed me to edit those PDF reports without effort. This results in a product without artefacts which looks so good that is suitable to be sent to my clients.

Infix is easy to use, lightweight and automatically creates backup copies of the edited file. Although I recommend saving the edited file with a new file-name, this feature proved to be very useful to me several times.

I have been using several other applications, each best at what they do, to split or collate documents, re-arrange pages, change page order, rotate pages, etc., but I find Infix is the one package that can do it all. It is difficult to justify using any other software now that I’ve got used to Infix’s many features. Thanks to Infix I won’t be using command line applications any more!

– Ricardo Fernandez