• Posted Nov. 28, 2012, 11:24 p.m. - 12 years, 2 months ago

Adobe Discontinuing Features in Its Online Programs

Users of Adobe’s Acrobat.com on-line services are in for a rude awakening.  The on-line service will suffer cutbacks in functionality.



The magical date of January 10th is the drop dead day.  The Adobe ConnectNow will disappear in a puff of a wizard’s invisible smoke.  Users will no longer be able to use the familiar program.  Instead, Adobe ConnectNow users will be nudged toward paying for the Adobe Connect web conferencing platform.

According to Mac Life, users of Adobe’s Acrobat.com service have received a private email alerting them to the changes: “Adobe Connect provides advanced web conferencing capabilities that include rich, interactive features for hosting, presenting, and sharing assets directly to virtually any device. Adobe Connect is available in affordable annual, monthly, and pay-per-use plans for enterprise and individual customers.”

The second, and more important feature, of the Acrobat.com service is being eliminated.  That is the ability to create a PDF file!  This, in our opinion, is one reason people were drawn toward to the Acrobat.com service, particularly the single-use version.

Not surprising, Acrobat.com users will be shoved towards another Adobe service, Adobe CreatePDF.  The email tries to sell the new paid service “With Adobe CreatePDF, you can convert documents and image files to high quality PDF files, combine multiple files into a single PDF, or export existing PDF files to editable Microsoft Word or Excel formats.”

A good solution to all of this is to just buy Infix and be able to create and edit PDF files yourself.