• Posted Jan. 7, 2013, 10:35 p.m. - 12 years, 1 month ago

Adobe Creative Suite CS 2 Available for Free

Yes, that’s what many tech blogs are saying.  Adobe is giving away Creative Suite CS 2 downloads with legitimate keys.  The Creative Suite CS 2, available for download for both Mac and Windows operating systems, is creating a stir for those who cannot afford it.



Thorin Klosowski of Lifehacker said they were available at Adobe’s web site under their downloads section.  All you need is an Adobe login account.  You can get one at no cost by going to Adobe’s web site and signing up.

The entire suite can be downloaded or you can just choose individual programs in the suite.  The downloads include Adobe Creative Suite CS 2, Acrobat 3D, Acrobat Standard 7.0, Acrobat Pro 8.0, Audition 3.0, GoLive, Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premier Pro.

PetaPixel published the Adobe Creative Suite CS 2 download page.  However, soon after this download page was disclosed, a message “Site Area Temporarily Unavailable” was the only thing we found for the rest of the morning and afternoon.  This led to the discussion of someone at Adobe making a mistake in opening up the download area to the public.

We contacted an employee of Adobe who requested their name not be disclosed and they said they were not supposed to comment about it, but with a wink and a nod said their download web page was being hammered.  They did confirm this was not a webmaster or coder mistake and said we could be able to access the download page when the traffic volume settled down.

So at around 6 pm from the city of Adobe’s headquarters in California, the link was finally available!

A word of caution: Creative Suite CS 2 is very old.  Adobe GoLive has been out of support for years, as has the entire suite.  So if it does not work on your system, forget about calling Adobe.  We were also told that there are possibly security weaknesses that have not been patched for this old version.