• Posted Jan. 28, 2014, 8:49 a.m. - 11 years ago

A PDF Editor for Freelance Writers

I’m a freelance writer and editor and work with PDFs in the course of my work every day, but I’ve never found a quick, easy and self-explanatory way to edit a pre-written PDF until today when I came across Infix PDF editor.

Often when you need some software quickly a search online using Google (or whichever search engine you prefer) will successfully turn up what seem to be the answer to your needs, but hours later you’re stuck with a selection of poorly designed or inaccessible software products on your laptop that you don’t want and still left scratching your head as to how to solve the problem, or worse, find that you’ve inadvertently downloaded something which is untrustworthy or damaging. I can’t count the number of times this has happened to me.

So I was so pleasantly surprised to find that Infix does what it claims to do, doesn’t install any unwanted extras in your computer, and is straightforward to understand, which is essential if like me you’re downloading it to use while on a deadline. I was able to select the part of the text that I needed to remove and replace it with the new lines in a couple of seconds without reading any manuals or watching any tutorials – I’ll be recommending this product to anyone who asks me for a reliable PDF editor in future.

– Jai Temple