• Posted March 31, 2012, 1:09 p.m. - 12 years, 10 months ago

5 IPhone Apps That Harness PDF Power

PDF friendly apps for the iPhone can be a God-send!


We love our smart-phones and we love PDFs – so some of our favourite apps are apps that bring them both together! Here are 5 iPhone apps that harness the power of PDFs:


iBooks is probably the most common way for people to read books on their iPhone, but did you know you can read PDFs on it as well? iBooks provides an advantage in that it allows users to print PDF files, which can be of great benefit to any professional in a hurry.


Although Stanza is well known for letting users access and read PDFs on the iPhone, it allows you to do much more than just that. We think being able to read PDF files, Word documents, books, magazines, newspapers, online sites and much more is a lot from one app but Stanza provides this and more. It is no surprise that in 2009, Stanza was the most downloaded eBook app on iTunes.


Dropbox is a great app to have and can make sharing documents around the office or with external colleagues and partners an easy task. We find sharing documents in this way is very simple. But did you know that Dropbox also allows you to read PDFs on your iPhone? Any PDF document stored in your Dropbox can be accessed and read on your mobile device, giving another option to iPhone users.


The GoodReader app has received a lot of praise, not only for its easy wi-fi download options but for the ease of use when reading PDFs. Many reviews state that the scrolling on the GoodReader app is extremely smooth and the app can cope well with magazines with a large amount of images.


Fast PDF
If you are anything like us, your time will be at a premium, so anything which improves the speed and operation of your iPhone is going to be a big help. As the name suggests, Fast PDF gets you into your PDFs quickly and there is a simple upload facility for getting PDF documents from your computer or the web to your iPhone.


Image courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marc-flores