• Posted March 28, 2012, 3:08 p.m. - 12 years, 11 months ago

5 Benefits Of Locking PDFS

PDFs are an important tool in the modern business world and if you haven’t invested in a PDF editor, you may be exposed to a number of risks. This software can save money, increase productivity but more importantly, it can also boost security. These are all important considerations for us at Iceni this is probably just the same in your office!


Locking your PDFs ensures security and protection


These are our top 5 benefits of locking a PDF:

1.    Protection of sensitive documents
This benefit should go without saying and is one of the most commonly cited reasons for using PDFs. Every business will have confidential documents of some sort and it is important to ensure that these are protected.


2.    Ease of use in reading and sending
Making your office run more efficiently should be a priority and using a PDF makes it easier to read and send important documents, knowing they cannot be tampered with.


3.    Restricting colour palette
Sometimes PDF documents need to be signed off by a number of departments before creating the final document and locking the PDF can ensure that the selected colours do not get altered along the way. Whether you have a brand identity that relies on certain colours being prominent ,or whether your printing facilities are geared towards certain shades, maintain the documents’ colour integrity with PDF software.


4. Maintaining alignment
If your PDF has images, columns or other features, it is important to ensure that these elements remain aligned. Locking the PDF can prevent these items being accidentally moved, saving a lot of time and effort in the long run.


5.    Maintaining fonts
Again, when many people have an input to a document creation, there may be a disagreement over the font. If your business, like ours, has a preferred font, locking the PDF document can ensure this remains in place.


Image: http://www.public-domain-image.com/objects/slides/padlock-in-old-town-san-diego.html