Infix Pro PDF Editor can automatically delete objects in the same location across a range of pages. This is very handy for removing unwanted logos, header, footers or other page furniture.

You are strongly advised to make a backup of your document before using this facility.

  1. Select the Object tool (Object tool button) from the tool bar.
  2. Select the object(s) to be deleted (see Selecting Objects)
    Infix Pro PDF Editor will draw a selection box large enough to include all the objects you've selected. Any objects inside the box will be removed.
  3. Choose Edit->Delete Across Pages...
    Infix Delete Across Pages dialogue box
  4. Choose the page range you wish to affect and whether you want to limit the process to just even or odd pages.
  5. Press Delete.
    You can halt the process part way through by pressing Stop.
  • In order to reduce the amount of memory used when cloning across more that 200 pages, Infix Pro PDF Editor will save the document to a new file and then perform the next 200 operations.